Nick VogtPortfolio

Web Projects

Josie Costa

Children's book author


Multi-channel online store


Fast, free, and private image host


Web dev, programming, and gaming blog

Harbor Marine

Marine supply company


Interactive merchandise web platform

Game Projects

PixelChroma Beta

Relaxing color-by-numbers pixel art drawing game with fast loading and no ads.

Platform: Android
Stack: Cordova TypeScript

Abandoned Worlds Alpha/WIP

Side-scroller focusing on exploration with no combat. Inspired by Small Worlds by David Shute.

Platform: Android Web Browser
Stack: Cordova JavaScript Canvas

Echo Wing Beta

Top-down shoot 'em up made for CS50G final. Beta available on Play store (unreleased).

Platform: Android
Stack: Unity C#


CSS Minifier

Minifies CSS without compression

JavaScript Minifier

Minifies JavaScript without compression

JSON Minifier

Minifies JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

HTML Char Codes

HTML character codes & Windows shortcuts


ASCII table from 0 to 127

MySQL Data Types

Field data types & storage requirements

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